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California governor meets Trump on wildfire relief

6/2/2025 10:41
California Governor Gavin Newsom urged President Donald Trump on Wednesday to

support federal disaster relief for his state after devastating wildfires destroyed entire neighborhoods in Los Angeles. Trump, a Republican, has often sparred with the Democratic governor and threatened to withhold aid over differences on water policy, though the two appeared to set their disagreements aside when Trump visited the Los Angeles area on January 24. Newsom's visit to the White House followed a series of meetings with legislators on Capitol Hill, his office said in a statement that also expressed appreciation for the Trump administration's early collaboration. "During the meeting, the governor raised the critical need for federal assistance to support recovery efforts and help impacted families rebuild," Newsom's office said. He also emphasized the strong partnership between local, state and federal agencies working together in response and recovery efforts, it added. The White House did not comment on the meeting. Two major fires on either side of L

os Angles burned an area nearly the size of Washington, D.C., from Jan. 7 until they were fully contained on Friday, killing 29 people and damaging or destroying over 16,000 structures, officials have said. Private forecaster AccuWeather projects damage and economic losses at more than $250 billion, which would make the wildfires the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history.


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