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New York man accused of spying on Chinese dissidents, DOJ says

22/8/2024 12:29
        A New York man was charged on Wednesday with operating as an illegal agent of the Chinese government in the United States, accusing him of spying on Chinese pro-Democracy activists and dissidents, the Justice Department said.
        The DOJ alleges that Yuanjun Tang, 67, acted as a Chinese agent between 2018 and 2023 at the direction of China's Ministry of State Security (MSS), its principal intelligence agency.
        Tang gave to MSS intelligence officers information about individuals and groups viewed by China "as potentially adverse" to its interests, including prominent U.S.-based Chinese dissidents, the DOJ said.
        He helped MSS infiltrate a group chat on an encrypted messaging application used by numerous Chinese dissidents, the DOJ said.
        Tang is also accused of making false statements to the FBI when he claimed he was no longer able to access an email account used to communicate with his MSS handler, the department said.


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