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Lawmakers delay decision on new EU climate policy chief

3/10/2023 12:09
        The nominee for the next EU head of climate change policy, former Dutch foreign minister Wopke Hoekstra, said on Monday he would try to ensure the bloc
        commits to slash its net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 90% by 2040 if he gets the role.
        Hoekstra was speaking during a hearing of the European Parliament's environment committee, where he is seeking to win approval from at least two-thirds of members to take on the role of leading emissions-cutting measures in the bloc.
        He said that if approved, he would present an analysis in early 2024 of what the EU should set as its first legally binding target to cut emissions by 2040.
        "I will use all instruments available to aim to enable the EU to reach the minimum recommended target of 90% net reductions," Hoekstra said.
        The EU's official advisers have said it should commit to slash its greenhouse gas emissions by 90-95% by 2040 - a goal some industries have said is unrealistic.


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