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Russia vows retaliation over Moldova decision to join EU sanctions

25/11/2023 7:20
        Russia views Moldova's decision to join EU sanctions against it as a hostile step aimed at destroying ties with Moscow and will retaliate, the Russian
        foreign ministry said on Friday.
        The Russian denunciation was issued in response to a vote in Moldova's parliament agreeing to abide by the punitive measures as part of measures to alter its legislation as required for its bid to join the European Union.
        "We regard this as yet another hostile step by the Moldovan leadership, which is fully integrated into the anti-Russian campaign of the 'collective West'," the ministry said in a statement.
        "Its aim is the complete destruction of Russian-Moldovan relations, which, through the fault of official Chisinau, are already in a very deplorable state."
        Moscow would retaliate, the ministry said.


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