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Sri Lanka reaches debt restructuring deal with creditor nations

29/11/2023 14:44
        Sri Lanka has been informed that a debt-restructuring agreement with creditor nations has been reached but is yet to receive a letter of confirmation from the official creditor committee, a government source told Reuters on Wednesday.
        Sri Lanka, mired in its worst financial crisis in decades, has been trying to reach restructuring deals with creditors since last year, having being forced to default on its foreign debt in May 2022 after its foreign exchange dwindled to record lows.
        Japan co-chairs the official creditor committee, together with France and India. China is Sri Lanka's largest bilateral creditor and is an observer in the group, steering clear of joining the group as a formal member.
        The agreement with the group of creditor nations comes about a month after the heavily indebted island nation reached a deal with the Export-Import Bank of China (EXIM) covering about $4.2 billion of outstanding debt.


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