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Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny says he has been handed new criminal charges

1/12/2023 18:18
        Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny said on social media on Friday that he had been informed of new criminal charges against him.
        Navalny, 47, is already serving sentences in a penal colony totalling more than 30 years on charges including extremism, which he denies, and has spent much of the last two years in solitary confinement for a range of alleged misdemeanours.
        In comments issued through his associates, he said he had now been charged under Article 214 of the penal code, which covers vandalism.
        Navalny is by far the best known figure in Russia's splintered opposition; supporters cast him as a Nelson Mandela-style figure who will one day be freed from jail to lead the country.


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