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France pledges to send up to 3 billion eur in military aid to Ukraine this year

17/2/2024 7:17
        France and Ukraine on Friday signed a bilateral security agreement including pledges from Paris to deliver more arms, train soldiers and send up to 3 billion euros in military aid to Kivy this year to help the country in its war against Russia, the Elysee said.
        The French presidency said the accord, signed by Emmanuel Macron and his counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenksiy, includes the pledge by France to provide "up to" 3 billion euros ($3.24 billion) in additional military support to Ukraine in 2024.
        In the agreement, which followed similar deals Kiyv has reached with Britain and Germany, France also pledges to provide more military equipment, in particular for air defence.
        France, alongside other partners, will also help Ukraine make its defence capacities "increasingly interoperable with NATO", the Elysee said, adding: "This includes the development of a modern defence sector in Ukraine and a path to a future in NATO."


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