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G20 says two-state solution only answer to Israel-Palestinian conflict

23/2/2024 6:07
        Foreign ministers at the G20 group of nations meeting in Brazil were nearly unanimous in their support for a two-state solution as the only path to peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Brazilian minister hosting the event said on Thursday.
        "There was virtual unanimity in the two-state solution as the only solution to the conflict," Brazil's foreign minister, Mauro Vieira, said at the close of the two-day meeting.
        Vieira said all members of the group of the world's largest economies highlighted concerns about the war in Gaza and the risk of the conflict's spreading in the Middle East.
        There were calls for a ceasefire and access to Gaza for humanitarian aid, while "many" countries criticized Israel's military offensive in Rafah, he said.
        The meeting, which set the agenda for the G20 group presided by Brazil this year, discussed current tensions in the world, mainly focused on the fighting in Gaza and Ukraine.


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