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Armenia freezes participation in Russia-led security bloc - Prime Minister

23/2/2024 12:20
        Armenia has frozen its participation in the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organisation because the pact had failed the country, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said in an interview broadcast on Thursday.
        Pashinyan also said Azerbaijan, with which Armenia has fought two wars over the past three decades, was not adhering to the principles needed to clinch a long-term peace treaty, and suggested Azerbaijan was preparing to launch another attack.
        Pashinyan told France 24 television that the CSTO pact, dominated by Russia, had failed Armenia.
        "The Collective Security Treaty has not fulfilled its objectives as far as Armenia is concerned, particularly in 2021 and 2022. And we could not let that happen without taking notice," Pashinyan said through an interpreter.
        "We have now in practical terms frozen our participation in this treaty. As for what comes next, we shall have to see."
        He said there was no discussion for the moment of closing a Russian base in Armenia. That was subject to different treaties.


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