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Ukraine supporters lay path to try to force US House vote on aid bill

24/2/2024 6:34
        U.S. House of Representatives Democrats have begun laying the groundwork for a potential bid to sidestep Republican Speaker Mike Johnson and
        force a vote on a $95 billion security assistance package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, House aides said on Friday.
        Representative Jim McGovern, the top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, filed legislation on Feb. 15 that could be used as a vehicle for a discharge petition, a rarely used procedural tool that eventually could force a vote on the bill if at least 218 House members - a majority of the chamber's 435 voting
        members - sign it.
        Under House rules, Ukraine backers could begin collecting signatures for the petition around March 1.
        Months after Democratic President Joe Biden asked Congress to approve more foreign security assistance, the Senate last week approved the package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan and to replenish U.S. weapons stocks by an overwhelming 70-30 vote. Twenty-two Republicans joined most Democrats in voting


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