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Church of England mulls asylum seeker change amid conversion row

24/2/2024 6:38
        The Church of England (CoE) is considering updating its guidance to clergy on supporting and ministering to asylum seekers, amid concerns that religious conversions are being exploited by people seeking to stay in Britain.
        The Church's role in the asylum system has been in the spotlight since media reports that faith leaders had helped a man from Afghanistan who was initially denied asylum to remain in Britain after he converted to Christianity.
        Abdul Ezedi, who was granted asylum despite a sexual assault conviction, was suspected by police of carrying out a corrosive chemical attack in south London that seriously injured several people earlier this month. Police said his body had since been recovered from the River Thames.
        "The guidance on supporting asylum seekers has been under scrutiny publicly and therefore within the Church recently," Mark Sheard from the Archbishops’ Council said on Friday in response to a question on the teaching during a five-day meeting of the General Synod, the CoE's governing body, in London.


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