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Ethiopian police arrest French journalist, employer says

27/2/2024 6:13
        Ethiopian police have arrested a French journalist on suspicion of "conspiracy to create chaos", his employer said on Monday.
        Antoine Galindo was arrested last Thursday while on assignment in the capital Addis Ababa, the Africa Intelligence publication said in a statement. It said a judge on Saturday prolonged Galindo's detention until March 1.
        Africa Intelligence said Galindo "has been suspected of 'conspiracy to create chaos in Ethiopia' and was brought before a judge on 24 February." The publication said its lawyer attended the hearing and was told about the charges.
        "Africa Intelligence condemns the unjustified arrest ... and calls for his immediate release," it said.
        Spokespeople for Ethiopia's government and police did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The French embassy in Addis Ababa did not respond to a request for comment.


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