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Japan’s PM will make an appearance at Parliament’s ethics hearing

29/2/2024 13:07
        Japan's beleaguered prime minister was set to stand before a political ethics committee Thursday at Parliament in a bid to showcase his leadership. Fumio Kishida has fought against plummeting support ratings since his governing party's corruption scandal rocked the government. The scandal, considered the biggest in decades, centers on political funds raised through party event tickets bought by individuals, companies and organizations. It led to 10 people - lawmakers and their aides - being indicted in January.
        While Kishida himself is not the focus of the scandal and was not even invited to the hearing, the surprise announcement of his personal appearance broke a deadlock between the opposition lawmakers and his governing party Wednesday when the five implicated attendants refused to go public, holding up a hearing and further tarnishing the party image.
        The ruling Liberal Democratic Party's resistance to have a fully open session fueled public criticism that Kishida's party is taking the corruption lightly and trying to hide something.


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