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US trade chief recommends higher tariffs to address China's 'unfair' practices

14/5/2024 19:04
        U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai on Tuesday recommended higher tariffs on a range of Chinese goods and called for expanded enforcement to address China's continued technology transfer actions that harmed U.S. workers and manufacturers.
        Tai's office released a long-awaited four-year review of tariffs imposed by former President Donald Trump which concluded they had been effective in encouraging China to address some issues, but further action was needed.
        "Instead of pursuing fundamental reform, (China) has persisted, and in some cases become aggressive, including through cyber intrusions and cyber theft, in its attempts to acquire and absorb foreign technology, which further burden or restrict U.S. commerce," the U.S. Trade Representative's (USTR)
        Office said in a statement.
        The report said research showed that previous tariffs imposed on China had a minimal impact on U.S. economy-wide prices and employment, but had been effective in reducing U.S. imports of Chinese goods, while increasing imports from other countries.


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