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New Dutch government to look for 'opt out' of EU asylum rules

16/5/2024 16:25
        The incoming Dutch government led by nationalist Geert Wilders' PVV party will look to opt out of European Union migration rules, as its says it is facing an asylum crisis.
        Wilders on Wednesday reached a deal to form what is set to be the most right-wing government in the Netherlands in decades, almost six months after a major election victory.
        In its government plan published early on Thursday, the four-party coalition says it will aim for the "strictest-ever asylum regime" with stronger border controls and harsher rules for asylum seekers that arrive in the Netherlands.
        "An opt out clause for European asylum and migration policies will be submitted as soon as possible to the European Commission," the coalition says in its pact.
        It is unclear whether such a request will be granted.
        Labour migration will also be curbed, and admittance of foreign students to Dutch universities will become stricter, the parties said.


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