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China takes measures against 12 U.S. military-linked firms

22/5/2024 18:05
        China said on Wednesday it had taken measures against 12 companies involved in the U.S. military-industrial complex and their senior executives, in response to the U.S. arming of Taiwan and sanctions on Chinese companies.
        The U.S. companies included units of Lockheed Martin , Raytheon and General Dynamics, China's Foreign Ministry said.
        The measures, which include freezing assets in China and banning senior executives from entering the country, took effect from Wednesday, it added.
        The action follows U.S. "indiscriminately imposing unlawful unilateral sanctions on a number of Chinese entities on the basis of so-called Russia-related factors," the ministry said in a statement.
        China said the U.S. had "ignored its objective and impartial position in the Ukrainian crisis", and had instead "engaged in unilateral bullying and economic coercion".


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