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Baby girl found in London related to two other abandoned siblings, police say

4/6/2024 19:55
        A baby girl found earlier this year in a shopping bag in east London is the third child to have been abandoned by the same parents in similar circumstances over the last seven years, British police said on Tuesday.
        The baby girl, named Elsa, was discovered by a person walking their dog one night in January near a busy junction in the Newham district, police said.
        Subsequent DNA tests revealed that Elsa was the full sibling of two other babies who had also been abandoned in the same area.
        Harry, the first baby, was found in a park in Newham in September 2017, and in January 2019 another baby, named Roman, was discovered by dog walkers at a children's play area.
        The BBC said the older children had since been adopted while Elsa, who was estimated to have been born only an hour before being abandoned, was in foster care. The court was told she was doing well.


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