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Scholz vows to toughen up German deportation rules after attacks

6/6/2024 17:57
        Germany will tighten its rules so that the glorification of terrorist offences can be sufficient grounds for deportation, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Thursday, after a series of attacks prompted calls for a stricter migration policy.
        An Afghan man severely injured six people last Friday during a knife attack at a right-wing rally in the southwestern city of Mannheim, fuelling concerns about public security. A police officer hurt in the attack later died of his injuries.
        Scholz, a Social Democrat who rules with the Greens and the liberal Free Democrats, faces a stiff challenge from the far-right, anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) in European Parliament elections which take place in Germany on Sunday.
        Scholz told the Bundestag lower house of parliament, "Anyone who glorifies terrorism is against all our values and should be deported."
        He also said the government was working to enable the deportation of criminals and dangerous migrants back to countries such as Afghanistan.
        Scholz said, "Such offenders should be deported - even if they come from Syria or Afghanistan."


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