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Moldovan president signs changes to treason law denounced by opposition

11/6/2024 12:00
        Moldova's pro-European president signed into law on Monday changes to the criminal code expanding provisions on treason denounced by her opponents and Amnesty International.
        The amendments were approved last week by parliament, dominated by President Maia Sandu's Party of Action and Solidarity, with the aim of fighting organised crime groups authorities say are bent on destabilising the ex-Soviet state.
        Opponents say they could undermine freedom of speech and the work of journalists ahead of an October presidential election and a referendum on joining the European Union.
        "This means if you make any objection, you are off to prison," said Alexei Lungu of the pro-Russian "Victory" opposition bloc, which campaigns on the slogan "No to the EU."
        Vlad Battincea of the Moscow-friendly Socialist Party, said the law amounted to "creating a new form of fight against people, parties and politicians who have a different point of view. This is an attack on pluralism."


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