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Egypt unlawfully deported Sudanese refugees, rights group says

19/6/2024 17:55
        Egypt has carried out mass arrests and unlawful deportations of thousands of refugees fleeing the war in Sudan, Amnesty International said in a report on Wednesday.
        The rights group said it had documented 12 incidents in which Egyptian authorities returned an estimated total of 800 Sudanese nationals between January and March this year without giving them the chance to claim asylum or challenge deportation decisions.
        It also said it had documented in detail the cases of 27 Sudanese refugees arrested between October 2023 and March 2024, 26 of whom were among those collectively expelled. Refugees had been held in cruel and inhuman conditions ahead of their deportation, it added.
        The total number of arrests and deportations are unclear as there are no publicly available statistics. The U.N. refugee agency said thousands were deported late last year, many of them Sudanese.


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