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Somalia accuses Ethiopian troops of 'illegal' incursion

25/6/2024 6:22
        Somalia's ambassador to the United Nations on Monday accused Ethiopian troops of making illegal incursions across their shared border, leading to
        confrontations with local security forces.
        At least 3,000 Ethiopian soldiers are stationed in the Horn of Africa country as part of an African Union peacekeeping mission (ATMIS) fighting al Shabaab, an Islamist militia which controls large portions of Somalia.
        Another 5,000-7,000 Ethiopian soldiers are stationed in several regions under a bilateral agreement.
        A contingent of Ethiopian soldiers crossed into Somalia's Hiraan region to monitor threats from al Shabaab on Saturday, and withdrew on Sunday, several local elders told Reuters.
        Ethiopia's army and ministry of foreign affairs spokespeople did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


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