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Kurdish security member killed in clash with IS militants in N. Iraq

15/7/2024 5:58
        A Kurdish security member was killed Sunday in a clash with Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq's northern province of Kirkuk, Iraq's Kurdish security said.
        The clash occurred when two IS militants sneaked into the town of Qara Hanjir east of the namesake capital Kirkuk, some 250 km north of Baghdad, the Kurdish security forces, known as Asaiysh, said in a statement.
        The clash resulted in the killing of one IS militant and the wounding and arresting of the other, while a Kurdish security member was killed and another wounded, the statement said.
        Meanwhile, a Kurdish security source, on condition of anonymity, told Xinhua that the two IS militants entered the town in an attempt to carry out terrorist attacks.
        The security situation in Iraq has improved since the defeat of the IS in 2017. However, IS remnants have sneaked into urban centers, deserts, and rugged areas, carrying out frequent guerilla attacks against security forces and civilians.


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