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White House should disclose whether Russia sharing US weapons insight with China

16/7/2024 6:21
        A bipartisan U.S. congressional committee urged the White House on Monday to disclose details on whether Russia was sharing insight with China on how to defeat U.S. weapons used on the battlefield in Ukraine.
        In a letter to White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan seen by Reuters, the House of Representative's select committee on China warned that Russia's battlefield adaptations that undermine certain U.S. weapon systems are "likely to proliferate" to China, including Russian electronic warfare
        countermeasures to U.S. precision munitions.
        "We should anticipate and indeed operate under the assumption that Russia is passing information about vulnerabilities or counters to American and allied weapons systems to the PRC (People's Republic of China)," the committee's Republican chair John Moolenaar and ranking Democrat Raja Krishnamoorthi wrote.


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