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Malaysia honors a new king in coronation marked by pomp and cannon fire

20/7/2024 16:15
        Traditional pomp and cannon fire on Saturday marked the coronation of Malaysia's billionaire King Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar, who pledged to govern fairly during the five-year term he will serve under a unique rotating monarchy system.
        Sultan Ibrahim, 65, was sworn in on Jan. 31. Saturday’s coronation at the national palace formalized his role as Malaysia’s 17th king in a ceremony steeped in Malay culture and pageantry.
        Nine ethnic Malay state rulers take turns as Malaysia’s king for five-year terms under the country's rotating monarchy, which began when Malaysia gained independence from Britain in 1957. Malaysia has 13 states but only nine have royal families, some which trace their roots to centuries-old Malay kingdoms that were independent states until they were brought together by the British.


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