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Kremlin says Russian Arctic cooperation with China is not aimed against anyone

23/7/2024 19:21
        The Kremlin on Tuesday said that Russia's cooperation with China in the Arctic was not aimed against any other country and said U.S. criticism of such work
        was misplaced.
        The Pentagon said in a report on Monday that it feared Moscow and China's actions in the Arctic could impact regional stability, noting that Russia has reopened hundreds of Soviet-era military sites there while China is eyeing mineral resources and new shipping routes.
        "Increasingly, the (People's Republic of China) and Russia are collaborating in the Arctic across multiple instruments of national power," the Pentagon's report said.
        "While significant areas of disagreement between the PRC and Russia remain, their growing alignment in the region is of concern, and (the Department of Defense) continues to monitor this cooperation," it added.


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