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Jewish activists arrested during Gaza war protest in US Congress building

24/7/2024 13:27
        U.S. Capitol Police arrested Jewish activists protesting against U.S. military support for Israel inside a congressional building on Tuesday, a day before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to deliver a speech to Congress.
        The protesters, organized by activist group Jewish Voice for Peace, wore red T-shirts bearing the phrases "not in our name" and "Jews say stop arming Israel." Some carried banners reading "ceasefire now" and "let Gaza live."
        Protests are planned to coincide with Netanyahu's visit, in which he will meet President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
        "For the past 9 months, we've witnessed countless horrors in Gaza, committed in our names and funded by our government," Jewish Voice for Peace wrote on social media.
        The activist group said over 250 protesters were arrested and 400 people took part in the demonstration.


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