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Australia confident Trump will back AUKUS sub deal after talks with his camp

24/7/2024 17:46
        Australia Defence MInister Richard Marles said on Wednesday Canberra is confident a re-elected Donald Trump will back the AUKUS security alliance and associated nuclear submarine sales after talks with his camp
        The possibility of a Trump victory in the November presidential election has U.S. allies around the world scrambling to divine and prepare for his diplomatic agenda, including his take on the A$368 billion AUKUS deal to help Australia acquire nuclear powered submarines and deter China in the Pacific.
        The deal includes the sale of three to five U.S. nuclear-powered Virginia Class submarines in the 2030s, a time when the U.S. fleet will shrink to a historic low. Some fear Trump's America First stance could hew to voices in Congress who want the submarines reserved for the U.S. navy instead.
        But conversations with the Trump camp had given Australia confidence he would honour the deal should he win the presidency again, Marles said in an interview on Sky News.


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