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Cambodia arrests 2 foreigners for drug trafficking

25/7/2024 5:53
        Cambodian police have arrested two foreigners for trafficking illicit drugs, an anti-drug police official said on Wednesday.
        Lieutenant General Kheoung Sarath, director of the National Police's Anti-Drug Department, said the two male suspects, aged 41 and 42, were apprehended at two locations in capital Phnom Penh on July 21.
        "A total of 200.7 kg of ketamine was seized from the suspects' possession during the raids," he told a press conference.
        The Southeast Asian country has no death sentence for a drug trafficker. Under its law, someone found guilty of trafficking more than 80 grams of illicit drugs could be imprisoned for life.
        According to the police Anti-Drug Department, the kingdom detained 11,780 drug-related suspects, including more than 300 foreigners in 13 nationalities, in the first half of 2024, seizing a total of 5.01 tons of illicit drugs.


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