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US Senate set to vote on two child online safety bills

25/7/2024 18:17
        The U.S. Senate is set to vote on Thursday on two online safety bills that would force social media companies to take responsibility for how their platforms affect children and teens, a step parents and advocates have demanded for years.
        The bills have broad bipartisan support and are expected to pass the necessary 60-vote threshold for passage in the Senate, where Democrats hold a 51-49 majority.
        "Unlike decades past, ensuring our kids' safety today means ensuring their online safety," Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Monday when he scheduled the vote. "On this issue, we desperately need to catch up."
        The Kids Online Safety Act would require social media platforms to enable options for minors to protect their information and disable addictive product features by default.
        It would also create a legal duty for the companies to prevent and mitigate dangers to minors including suicide and disordered eating.


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