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Video of violent arrest at Manchester Airport sparks protest

25/7/2024 18:22
        A video showing a British police officer kick and stamp on a man's head during an arrest at Manchester airport in northern England sparked a protest outside a police station late on Wednesday.
        Police suspended one of the officers involved and referred the actions to an independent police complaints watchdog after the video, filmed by an onlooker, was posted on social media platforms and attracted criticism.
        It showed a chaotic scene in an airport car park, in which several officers armed with tasers restrained two suspects. The events preceding this scene were not included in the video. One man was kicked and stamped upon by an officer as he lay face down on the floor. The second man also appeared to be struck in the head by an officer.
        A Greater Manchester Police (GMP) statement said the video showed "an event that is truly shocking, and that people are rightly extremely concerned about. The use of such force in an arrest is an unusual occurrence and one that we understand creates alarm.


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