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US may 'calibrate' Venezuela sanctions policy post-election

27/7/2024 6:24
        The Biden administration will "calibrate" its sanctions policy towards Venezuela depending on how the high-stakes election unfolds in the OPEC nation on Sunday, U.S. officials said, signaling that Washington could ease punitive measures if President Nicolas Maduro holds a fair vote.
        But Washington also put Maduro on notice that if he claims victory without providing proof, it would "call into question" whether the international community should accept the outcome.
        Maduro is seeking his third term as leader of Venezuela, which is under heavy U.S. sanctions. His challenger, opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez, has attracted significant support.
        The opposition and some independent observers have questioned whether the vote will be fair, saying decisions by electoral authorities and the arrests of some opposition campaign staff are meant to create obstacles.


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