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Israel promises to hit Hezbollah hard after rocket kills 12 on football field

28/7/2024 16:59
        Israel said on Sunday it would strike hard against Hezbollah after accusing the Iran-backed group of killing 12 children and teenagers in a rocket attack on a football field in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
        Hezbollah denied any responsibility for the attack on Majdal Shams, the deadliest in Israel or Israeli-annexed territory since Hamas' Oct. 7 assault sparked the war in Gaza, which has since spread to several fronts.
        Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ended a visit to the United States early and was expected to land in Israel later on Sunday and convene his security cabinet on Sunday afternoon to discuss Israel's response.
        In the meantime, families gathered for funerals in the Druze village of Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights, territory captured from Syria by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed in a move not recognised by most countries.


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