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EU calls for 'maximum transparency' in Venezuela election

30/7/2024 6:14
        The European Union cannot recognise the results of Venezuela's presidential election until all polling station records are published and verified, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Monday.
        "The EU calls on the Venezuelan Electoral Council (CNE) to exercise maximum transparency in the process of results tabulation," Borrell said in a statement.
        Venezuela's national electoral authority said just after midnight that President Nicolas Maduro had won a third term with 51% of the vote - a result that would extend a quarter-century of socialist rule. Independent exit polls pointed to a big opposition win.
        Borrell said the EU called on Venezuela's authorities to ensure the full and timely investigation of any post-electoral complaints and grievances.
        He said there were credible reports the election was marred by "numerous flaws and irregularities".


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