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China lodges protest with Japan over remarks at meeting with US

31/7/2024 11:49
        Beijing has expressed its displeasure to Tokyo over negative comments about China made during a meeting between Japan and the United States, China's foreign ministry said on Wednesday.
        Liu Jinsong, China's director-general of Asian affairs at the Chinese foreign ministry, lodged a complaint to Japan over comments made by the U.S. and Japan over what they called Beijing's "provocative" behaviour in the South and East China Seas, its joint military exercises with Russia, and the rapid expansion of China's nuclear weapons arsenal.
        "China urges Japan to establish an objective and rational understanding of China, and stop making irresponsible remarks about China's internal affairs," Liu said to the chief minister at the Japanese embassy in China on Tuesday, according to a foreign ministry statement.
        Liu met with Yokochi Akira to talk about the "negative words" made about China during several discussions at recent diplomatic meetings, noting "many fallacies, dangerous trends, and false narratives" in meeting documents.
        In security discussions between the U.S. and Japan this past Sunday, both countries labelled China the "greatest strategic challenge, facing the region."


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