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Clashes in UK's Southport, after killing of three girls

31/7/2024 17:47
        Violent clashes in a seaside town in northwest England following the killing of three young girls at a dance workshop in a stabbing attack, left dozens of British police officers injured late on Tuesday.
        Police vans were set on fire in Southport and protesters dismantled garden walls to hurl bricks at both officers and at a mosque following speculation on social media that the teenage suspect behind the attack was a Muslim.
        The horrific incident in the normally quiet town, which left eight other children wounded, five of them in critical condition in hospital along with two adults who tried to protect them, was not linked to terrorism, police said.
        Police have arrested an unnamed 17-year-old male on suspicion of murder and attempted murder. The suspect was born in Britain, they said.
        A total of 39 police officers were treated for injuries, including 27 who were taken to hospital, North West Ambulance Service said early on Wednesday.


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