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Canadian warship passes through Taiwan Strait, drawing China's ire

1/8/2024 11:47
        A Canadian warship passed through the Taiwan Strait in what Ottawa called a commitment to an open Indo-Pacific, drawing a rebuke from China that the naval exercise on July 31 undermined peace.
        Canada's defense ministry said the HMCS Montreal frigate had "recently conducted a routine transit" through the strait in what its defence minister said was a reaffirmation of Canada's commitment to a "free, open and inclusive" Indo-Pacific.
        Defence Minister Bill Blair said, "As outlined in our Indo-Pacific Strategy, Canada is increasing the presence of the Royal Canadian Navy in the Indo-Pacific region," referring to Canada's plan for the region announced in 2022.
        Li Xi, a spokesperson for the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) Eastern Theater Command, said the passage of the Canadian frigate on July 31 had "harassed and disrupted the situation and undermined peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait."
        China's troops, he added, were on high alert at all times and are "ready to respond to all threats and provocations."


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