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Harris raises $310 million in July as campaign shakeup energizes donors

2/8/2024 17:13
        The Harris campaign announced on Friday that it raised $310 million in July, fueled by small-dollar donations that flowed into the war chest after President Joe Biden bowed out of the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.
        The July figure - more than double the $138.7 million raised by Republican rival Donald Trump in the same month - brings the total money raised by Harris and Biden before her to more than $1 billion, the fastest a presidential campaign has crossed that threshold in history, the campaign said.
        July was set to be a disappointing month for Democrats as big-dollar donors withheld money in an effort to force Biden out of the race, but Harris's emergence as the party's presidential candidate energized voters and donors.
        More than $200 million of the $310 million came in the first week following Biden's endorsement of Harris, the campaign said.


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