1月15日 (星期三)20°C 35
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Indonesian police given sole power to grant abortions for rape victims

2/8/2024 17:25
        New rules issued this week by Indonesia will make the police the only authority allowed to give the go-ahead for abortions for rape victims, drawing criticism from rights activists who said the changes were regressive.
        Abortion is illegal in Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim population, except in the event of a medical emergency or rape. The new regulations stipulate that to be recognised as a rape victim, women must obtain a document that only the police can issue.
        Previously, women could obtain this document from medical professionals or psychologists.
        A spokesperson for the national police did not immediately respond to request to elaborate on the rules, which are part of a broader health law and take immediate effect, or on police procedures to deal with rape victims.


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