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Ukraine sees no sign of Belarusian military buildup near border

12/8/2024 19:21
        Ukraine said on Monday it had not seen any sign of a buildup of Belarusian forces near their border, contradicting a statement from Minsk that it had sent more troops to the area.
        "In the last few days, we have not recorded any movement or build-up of Belarusian forces, (including) various units, equipment and personnel near our border," said Andriy Demchenko, spokesman for Ukraine's border guard service.
        Belarus, a close Kremlin ally that borders Ukraine's north, said on Saturday it was sending troops to reinforce its border with Ukraine after accusing Kyiv of violating its airspace with drones.
        A Belarusian buildup on the border would mean a potential threat that Ukraine could feel compelled to respond to by diverting its already-stretched troops to reinforce the area at a tense moment along Ukraine's northern border with Russia.


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