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South American lungfish has largest genome of any animal

17/8/2024 15:02
        The South American lungfish is an extraordinary creature - in some sense, a living fossil. Inhabiting slow-moving and stagnant waters in Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana and Paraguay, it is the nearest living relative to the first land vertebrates and closely resembles its primordial ancestors dating back more than 400 million years.
        This freshwater species, called Lepidosiren paradoxa, also has another distinction: the largest genome - all the genetic information of an organism - of any animal on Earth. Scientists have now sequenced its genome, finding it to be about 30 times the size of the human genetic blueprint.
        The metric for genome size was the number of base pairs, the fundamental units of DNA, in an organism's cellular nuclei. If stretched out like from a ball of yarn, the length of the DNA in each cell of this lungfish would extend almost 60 meters. The human genome would extend a mere 2 meters.


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