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Local survey shows that importing foreigners affects the income of local workers

18/8/2024 17:51
        Local groups have pointed out that the impact of expanding the import of foreign workers has affected the employment of local workers and reducing their income, and urged the government to review the policy.
        The Rights Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions interviewed more than 3,000 members last month, which showed that the unemployment rate in the retail, construction and catering industries was relatively high, ranging from 16% to 20%. Overall, 30% of the respondents reported a decrease in income. 60% of the respondents do not agree with the government's expansion of importing foreign workers to supplement the labor force.
        Zhou Sijie, chairman of the Hong Kong Construction Industry Federation of Trade Unions, said that imported foreign workers are hired on a monthly basis, causing local workers to become substitute workers. In addition, the reduction of private projects has indirectly led to insufficient employment of some local workers, and some local workers have begun to have their wages reduced.


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