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Ocean Park: The giant panda twins have passed the critical period

23/8/2024 6:05
        Ocean Park stated that the twins born to giant panda Yingying are one week old and have passed the critical "water harvesting period."
        Although the situation is gradually stabilizing, they are still very fragile and require experts from the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center and Ocean Park. The animal care team provides 24-hour intensive care. Ocean Park says that the twin giant panda babies have gained weight, with the older sister weighing about 172 grams and the younger brother weighing about 168 grams.
        The two older pandas, however, have begun to have classic "dark circles" under their eyes, and their ears and shoulders have turned black.
        In China With the help of experts from the Panda Conservation and Research Center, they eat and defecate normally. They eat 6 meals a day and can drink up to about 10 grams of milk at each meal, which is a good amount of food. The park stated that the team actively ensured that mother Yingying took in enough water and food to assist her in postpartum recovery and to be able to take care of two babies. Experts also began to try to collect Yingying's milk and try to let the twins drink it, and gradually increased Yingying's personal care of the babies. During the time, I saw Yingying making continuous progress in taking care of her infants.


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