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Rebels in Mali say no contact from Russia over fate of Wagner prisoners

24/8/2024 6:15
        Tuareg rebels in northern Mali say they have yet to receive any direct communication from Moscow over the fate of fighters from the Russian mercenary
        Wagner Group whom they took prisoner last month in a battle near the Algerian border.
        A spokesperson for the rebel coalition, known as the Permanent Strategic Framework for Peace, Security and Development (CSP), said the prisoners were being treated well and it was open to outreach.
        "As a matter of principle, we're open to listening to all initiatives and proposals, but so far, there's been no negotiation," Mohamed Elmaouloud Ramadane told Reuters in an interview this week.
        The Tuareg rebels have said at least 84 Wagner mercenaries and 47 Malian soldiers were killed in days of battle near the town of Tinzaouaten. Seven prisoners were captured, they said.
        Ramadane said the rebels have been contacted by third parties such as non-governmental organizations and private citizens regarding the Wagner prisoners, but none acting directly on behalf of the Russian government.


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