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Philippines urges China to halt 'provocative and dangerous' actions

24/8/2024 13:45
        The Philippines called on Beijing on Saturday to "immediately cease all provocative and dangerous actions" after accusing it of "unjustifiably" deploying flares from China occupied Subi Reef on Aug. 22 while a Manila aircraft was conducting patrols.
        The Philippines' South China Sea Task Force said in a statement, the same aircraft also "faced harassment" from a Chinese jet fighter while it was conducting a surveillance flight near Scarborough Shoal on Aug. 19.
        The task force said, "Such actions undermine regional peace and security, and further erode the image of the PRC (People's Republic of China) with the international community."
        There was no immediate comment from the Chinese Embassy in Manila about the incidents, which happened the same week Manila and Beijing accused each of ramming vessels and performing dangerous manoeuvres in the South China Sea.
        They also came less than two weeks after an air incident between the Chinese and Philippines militaries in Scarborough Shoal, even as the two nations have agreed to "restore trust" and "rebuild confidence" to better manage maritime disputes.


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