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HK officials attended the second regional consultation meeting on policy address

26/8/2024 5:24
        Chief Executive Li Ka-chiu led 21 department-level officials to the second district consultation meeting on the policy address Sunday to continue to listen to citizens’ opinions and suggestions on the new policy address. About 120 citizens from different backgrounds participated.
        The regional consultation meeting lasted two hours and was divided into two parts. In the first part, Li Jiachao and the director listened to the opinions of citizens. Topics included land and housing, transportation, innovation and technology, financial development, cultural and creative industries, education, youth, poverty alleviation and assistance to the disadvantaged and medical services.
        The second part was a group discussion. The attending citizens were divided into four groups, focusing on the two themes of "strengthening the economy for development" and "benefiting people's livelihood and increasing happiness", and had in-depth discussions with Li Jiachao and the Secretary.
        Li Jiachao said that many of the opinions focused on the key points he raised at the initial stage of the consultation, namely, fully developing the economy, focusing on improving people's livelihood, exploring new growth points, and seizing national and international dual opportunities.
        The opinions were enlightening and allowed the authorities to better understand the concerns of the region.


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