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Australia limits foreign students in migration crackdown

27/8/2024 13:02
        Australia said on Tuesday it would limit the enrolment number of new international students at 270,000 for 2025, as the government looks to rein in record migration that has contributed to a spike in home rental prices.
        The decision follows a raft of actions since last year to end COVID-era concessions for foreign students and workers in Australia that helped businesses recruit staff locally while strict border controls kept overseas workers out.
        "There's about 10% more international students in our universities today than before the pandemic, and about 50% more in our private vocational and training providers," Education Minister Jason Clare told a press conference.
        New international student enrolments will be capped at 145,000 for universities, which is around 2023 levels, and 95,000 for the practical and skills-based courses.
        Clare said the government would inform universities on their specific enrolment caps.


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