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Experts are worried about three epidemics after school starts

28/8/2024 17:48
        With the start of school in September, school children are more susceptible to be infected with influenza, new coronavirus, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Tests by the Department of Health show that the RSV virus is becoming more active.
        Experts call on parents to vaccinate children and high-risk individuals against influenza to avoid causing the "three "Epidemic Attack".
        Dr. Kwan Yin Wah, honorary clinical associate professor of the Department of Child and Adolescent Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, said in a radio program that after the mask order was lifted last year, different types of respiratory viruses were rampant.
        The peak period of influenza last year lasted for a long time, and syncytial viruses also began to spread. Due to the tracheal fineness of young patients, infection with syncytial virus can be more severe. Dr. Kwan pointed out that there are currently no drugs for syncytial virus, and only supportive drugs can be prescribed. Dr. Kwan believes that in addition to paying attention to personal hygiene and getting flu shots, it is not recommended that children wear masks for a long time without symptoms.


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