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Borrell asks EU members about possible sanctions on some Israeli ministers

29/8/2024 17:27
        European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Thursday he has asked the bloc's members if they want to impose sanctions on some Israeli ministers for "hate messages" against Palestinians that he said broke international law.
        He did not name any of the Israeli ministers to whom he was referring or specify which messages he had in mind.
        But in recent weeks he has publicly criticised Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich for statements he has described as "sinister" and "an incitement to war crimes".
        Diplomats say it is unlikely the EU would find the necessary unanimous agreement among its 27 members to impose sanctions on Israeli government ministers.
        But Borrell's decision to float such a proposal indicates the level of anger among some European officials about some Israeli ministers.
        Ireland, one of the EU's most pro-Palestinian members, said on Thursday it backed Borrell's suggestion.


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