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Thai anti-graft body begins new investigation into opposition politicians

30/8/2024 17:54
        Thailand's anti-corruption commission on Friday said it had launched an investigation into 44 members of the disbanded Move Forward party, 25 of who are current parliamentarians, for supporting legislation seeking to amend the royal insult law.
        It comes less than a month after a court ordered the dissolution of Move Forward over its election campaign pledge to amend the lese majesete law. After being disbanded, the group reorganised as the People's Party and remains the largest party in parliament.
        The royal insult law shields the crown from criticism and carries a jail sentence of up to 15 years. Opponents of the law say it has been used to stifle opposition.
        National Anti-Corruption Commission deputy secretary-general Sarote Phuengrampan said, "We have started calling relevant individuals to hear the facts," adding an investigative panel had been established.
        He said, "We are not calling all 44, only some of them."
        "This step is to collect evidence, but no one has been charged yet."


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