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Chief Inspector and his wife charged by ICAC for accepting bribes

4/9/2024 16:57
        A Wan Chai police chief inspector and his wife have been charged by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) with accepting bribes and aiding and abetting the acceptance of bribes by a public servant, for allegedly accepting cash and gifts worth a total of $1.14 million, and for giving preferential treatment to a businessman in the course of his duties and leaking internal police information.
        They were released on bail at the Eastern Magistrates' Court on Friday pending referral of the case to the District Court.
        Between August 2021 and early last year, the 38-year-old chief inspector, who worked on a fraud case, met a businessman involved in an assault case and accepted two sums of $500,000 in cash each, as well as gifts and other gratuities totaling more than $140,000 from the other party as an incentive or reward for giving him preferential treatment during the investigations of the two cases. He also divulged internal information, including information on the suspects and persons involved in the cases, to the other party.


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